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Park Location
Swampscott's Park for Off-Leash Time is located adjacent to the DPW Annex behind the cemetery.
The best way to access the park is to enter the Swampscott Cemetery on 400 Essex Street at the archway entrance.
The Department of Public Works has suggested that we create a loop in order to decrease two-way traffic and confusion.
Cemetery Etiquette
The SPOT Board would like to remind you of basic cemetery etiquette.
If you are driving, the speed limit is 5mph
If you are walking, your dog(s) must stay on the road/designated path. At no time should your dog(s) be on cemetery grounds or eliminating anywhere in the cemetery.
Should you see somebody not following the rules or illegally dumping trash, please contact the Swampscott Police at (781) 595-1111
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