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Help SPOT Run

We'd love your help! Volunteers are an important part of our community so that we can operate efficiently and work together as a community to operate and maintain our park. We welcome any new members to our group who are as eager as we are to move our project forward.

Ways to Help:

Helping to organize 


Are you a big idea person? Project manager? Helping us to raise funds allows us to make the park as best as it can be.

assisting with fundraising events

One of the ways we raise money is through fundraising events, in which volunteers play a crucial role.

Assisting With Maintenance of the park

To keep the dog park awesome, we need volunteers to assist with maintenance.

Helping out with tax filings or treasury

related tasks

A task for those who are confident in their financial related abilities.

managing the technology or communications side of things

A task for the 

tech-savvy individuals who want to help.

Sign Up to Help

Sign Up to Help

Once you fill out this form, a member of our team will get back to you with more information.

Thanks for submitting!

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